The Standard Job Ticket contains information on the product selected during the ordering process and information from the delivery address and delivery options. The Skyline website log in user name is shown as the Customer with the associated email address.
Delivery Address Form Fields Used:
These fields are completed according to the details that have been entered in the address fields. Details are either stored in the Delivery Address Form or completed each time an order is placed. The Address form is created using ProductManager so the forms are created specifically for each website. The fields used to create the form can be labelled as required so if information is not showing as expected please check the original address option.
The following Address Options are used in the Standard Job Ticket in the following fields.
First Name |
Contact Name |
Phone Number |
Phone |
Street |
Delivery Address |
City |
Delivery Address |
Region |
Delivery Address |
Organization Name |
Customer |
Post Code |
Postcode |
Delivery Options Form Fields Used:
These fields are completed according to the details that have been entered in the shipping section when placing an order. The Delivery form is created using ProductManager so the forms are created specifically for each website. The fields used to create the form can be labelled as required so if information is not showing as expected please check the original delivery options
The following Delivery Options are used in the Standard Job Ticket in the following fields.
Priority |
Priority |
Date Required Calendar |
Due Date |
Delivery Method |
Shipping Method |
All product will be different but the will contain some of the document options. The following document options are shown on the Standard Job Ticket:
Media |
Stock |
Binding |
Binding |
Printed Sides |
Printed Sides |
Printer type |
Printer Type |
Laminating |
Laminated (Y/N) |
Folding |
Folding |
Stapling |
Stapling |
Hole Punch |
Hole Punching |
Notes |
Notes |