
Amending System Generated Emails

Amending System Generated Emails

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Amending System Generated Emails

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You are able to change the content of Skyline system generated emails. There is a limit of 200 characters on the subject line and 2000 characters in the email content.

To change the email settings:

1.Log in with Administrator rights and go to Admin.
2.In the Configuration section click System Emails.
3.A list of the system generated emails is shown below containing the default wording.



Email Content

New quote received

New Quote Received

A quote has been received for your order. Please lo into Skyline

Password Change

Password Request

A new password has been requested. If you did not request a new password, please ignore this email. Your password will not be changed yet been changed. To reset your password please click the following link: {ChangePasswordLink}

New quote requests

New Quotes Requests

You have a new quote request. Please go to {NewQuotesLink}

Email when price is zero

Order placed with no price set

Order number {0} for product {1} has been placed by the user {2}. The price for this product has been calculated as zero, probably because the cost of one of the components has not been set

Email to user when set Inactive after registration

Your new account needs to be activated

Your new account has been created but it needs to be activated before you can log in. You will receive an email when your account has been activated.

Email to user when set Active

Your new account has been activated

Your new account has now been activated. You can now log in with the username '{username}' and password that you used when creating your new account.

Email to Administrator when a new user set Inactive

A new user has registered

A new user '{username}' has registered but their account has not been activated. Log in to the Admin - Users page to activate this user.

Email to new users when created by an Administrator

Your {portal_name} user account

A user account has been created for you on the Skyline portal {url}. Your login details are:

Username: {username}

Password: {password}

You can change your password to something more memorable on the Preferences page http://{url}/UserAdmin/Default.aspx

Activation email sent to new Skyline Cloud Printer users

Activate your account

Click Activate to activate your account on the website



4.Click Icon-Pencil by the type of system email that you want to amend. The example below shows the email that will automatically be sent when a quote is sent to a user.
5.Amend the email as required then click Save to accept your changes.