
Version 6.9.5

Version 6.9.5

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Version 6.9.5

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There were several features that have been added or updated in version 6.9.5. released June 2017.

1.Self Registration can be configured so that approval is required before a Skyline account is active
A new global & portal configuration called 'Registration - New Users Must Be Approved' has been added. The system can be configured to require an account to be activated before they are able to log in after Self Registration.
2.Administration of shared libraries
An administrator is able to add or remove users or roles to any shared libraries. They are also able to transfer ownership of the shared library to another user.
3.Manage portal users window updated
You are able to apply a filter to show all users or just users that require approval.
4.System Emails
A new configuration page has been added where you can edit the subject and text of system emails.
5.Setup Cost can be applied to a Product
If there is a setup cost for a particular product type you can now add a cost. The cost will be added each time that the product is ordered as a one off charge. So if you order one or one hundred copies there will only be one setup costs added to the order.