
Showing a List of Account Codes

Showing a List of Account Codes

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Showing a List of Account Codes

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Users can enter an account code into a blank field or you can configure Skyline to provide an account code list. Users will then be able to select the correct code in the list. If you provide the users with a list of account codes you need to firstly create the account code list. The code listing could either originate from an internally created database or extracted from an external database which may already exist. If you provide a list of account codes a search box is enabled. Users will then be able to search the account code, description or details fields.

Example showing the page presented when the option "Users are shown a list of account codes" is selected.

Example showing the page presented when the option "Users are shown a list of account codes" is selected.

To show an account code list:

1.Log in with Administrator rights and go to Admin.
2.In the Orders section click Accounts and Pricing.
3.The account setup page opens.
1.Select the payment provider Account.
2.Select the option Show Account page.
3.Select the option Users are shown a list of account codes. Select the search results that you want to return. By default the option "Return all values that contain the search text" is selected.
4.Click Save. The Accounts and Pricing page will close.