Every organisation has a slightly different work flow and uses different terminology. Skyline System statuses can be amended to reflect this need making them adaptable to numerous situations.
Order Change Management Example.
When a customer places an order the cost of the order is automatically calculated using CostManager. However there are always a few orders that have exceptions and cannot be accurately costed without intervention by the print room staff. For example a change to the existing order is required or an additional cost or discount needs to be applied. If you require changes to be approved by the customer before the order is processed you can use the System Status "Quote Sent" for the customer to approve the change.
Amend the System Status Name "Quote Sent" to "Order Amended". This is the status that will be used in PrintStation. Also amend the End User Display from "Quote Sent" to "Amended Order". This is the status that will be used in the customers Order web page.
An order is received in PrintStation and is amended by either Amending the Order Details or Changing the Price of an Order. Only the change in price is shown on the customers Order web page. Media changes etc will need to be verbally agreed.
Change the status of the order to "Order Amended".
The customers Orders tab is updated showing that the order has been amended. Only the price change is shown on the Orders web page. Other changes will need to be discussed with the customer. They are then able to accept or reject the changes.
Changes Accepted. If the user accepts the changes they place the order with the amendments.
Changes Rejected. If the user rejects the changes the order status is changed to 'Deleted' and removed from the PrintStation