
Setting a Minimum Password Length

Setting a Minimum Password Length

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Setting a Minimum Password Length

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You can specify that password must be of a minimum length. If the criteria has been set & a user tries to change their password but does not enter enough characters an error message will be displayed. The password will not have been changed.


To set a minimum password length:

1.Log in with Administrator rights and go to Admin.
2.In the Portals section click Portal Configuration.
3.Find Password Minimum Number of Characters.
4.To select a value between 0 and 16 click Icon-Pencil. If 0 is selected then there is no minimum number of character required in the password.
5.Click Icon-Save to save the setting.

To configure Password Minimum Number of Characters for all portals associated with Skyline use the default configuration option. These options are only available when you are logged in with Host privileges.