
Merging Documents

Merging Documents

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Merging Documents

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You can use the edit feature to merge documents in either your own library or in a shared library. Using a shared library several users can upload, merge and print documents for a common project. Any permitted user can merge documents together in a shared library. This allows several users to work on separate parts of documentation for a project. The different parts can be merged into one document and submitted for printing.

Info        Each document must contain less than 100 pages.

To merge documents:

1.Select the documents you want to merge using the individual document selection box. Do not use the Select All option. Then click clip0024. The time taken to creating the thumbnails will depending on the size of the documents that you have selected to merge.
2.Enter a name for your new merge document.
3.If required you can amend the order that the documents will be merged using the arrows in the bottom section of the page.
4.Edit the documents as required by adding blank pages or removing pages.
5.After any changes click clip0061 to update the preview at the top of the page.
6.When you are happy with the changes made click clip0087 to create and save the new document. The new document is sent to the PDF Conversion Queue and will then be available in the same library as the original documents.
Very occasionally a merge will fail due to a problem with a PDF. If this happens an error message will show stating that there was a problem. Click the Cancel button and review your PDF's to correct the error.