
Activating Colour Analysis

Activating Colour Analysis

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Activating Colour Analysis

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Colour Analysis is a licensed feature of Skyline. The license needs to be installed before you can activate the feature. For more information please see the section on using colour analysis.

To Activate Colour Analysis:

1.Sign in with SkylineHost or administrator privileges and go to Admin.
2.In the Portals section click Portal Configuration.
3.Find Library - Enable Colour Analysis of uploaded documents in the list.
If the option is set as True colour analysis will be available.
Colour Analysis is turned off by setting the option to False.
4.To amend this option click Icon-Pencil.
5.Click Icon-Save to save the setting.


It is recommended that colour analysis happens during the upload procedure. This will mean that the documents will take slightly longer to upload, depending on their size. If analysis happens on the Website it will prevent the website being operational for other users during the analysis.

To set Colour Analysis to happen during upload:

1.Sign in with SkylineHost or administrator privileges and go to Admin.
2.In the Portals section click Portal Configuration.
3.Find Upload - Create PDF Thumbnails.
If the option is set as True colour analysis will happen during the document upload procedure.
PDF's are not created during the document upload procedure by setting the option to False.
6.To amend this option click Icon-Pencil.
7.Click Icon-Save to save the setting.


To select the colour analysis model required:

1.Sign in with SkylineHost or administrator privileges and go to Admin.
2.In the Portals section click Portal Configuration.
3.Find Library - Colour Analysis Model in the list and select the option required
Black only is monochrome.
If the analysis shows that the values for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow are blank and there is only a value for black then the page is treated as being monochrome.
Cyan, Magenta and Yellow equal is monochrome.
When you create a PDF of a Word document the text is treated as processed black. This means that the page will appear to contain some colour as there will be values for Cyan, Magenta and Yellow. If this is not what is required you should try the model where Cyan, Magenta and Yellow equal is monochrome.
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black equal is monochrome.
If the values are all the same then the page is treated as being monochrome.
4.Click Icon-Save to save the setting.

Depending on the type of documents that you receive, you may want to amend the colour percentages. You are able to do this by adjusting processed black threshold.

To amend the Process Black Threshold:

1.Sign in with SkylineHost or administrator privileges and go to Admin.
2.In the Portals section click Portal Configuration.
3.Find Library - Process Black Threshold Percentage in the list and select the percentage required.
5.Click Icon-Save to save the setting.