
Update Service Subscription

Update Service Subscription

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Update Service Subscription

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When you renew your service subscription you will need to re-license Skyline. To install the new license and reset the software will take only a few minutes but it is recommended that it is done outside busy times. The Skyline license is also tied to 3 values that identify the server it is installed on. If any of these change then Skyline will also need to be re-licensed.

Machine name
Windows installation date
MAC address

To Update your Skyline License:

1.Log in to Skyline and go to Admin.
2.In the Configuration section select License Settings.
3.Make a copy of your Skyline license number by copying and pasting into Notepad. Save as a .TXT file with the name of your company e.g ePrint.txt.
4.Email the TXT file containing your license number to so that it can be updated with the new details.
5.You will receive an email with your updated license file called skyline.lic  Save the file in a location that is accessible from Skyline.
6.Log in to Skyline and go to Admin.
7.In the Configuration section select License Settings.
8.Click clip0475 and select the new skyline.lic file.
9.Click clip0476 to upload your new license.
10.When the new license has been uploaded click Button-ResetSkylineWebsite. The website will be updated and when completed you will be left viewing the home page.
11.View the license settings page and check the new Service Subscription Expiry Date.