When the PDF has been reviewed and downloaded you can send a copy of the document to a folder. If the job is to be forwarded to another process you will have folders made available. When PDF documents are copied to a folder you can navigate to the folder's location and retrieve the document. You will be able to identify the job order as the PDF will contain the document name and the job order number. When a folder is created it is assigned a specify output format.
PDF Only - Select if you have a PDF that needs to be worked on.
PDF with XML - Two files are transferred into the folder, the PDF and a XML copy of the Job Ticket
Automate - Used in conjunction with Automate.
PDF with CSV - Two files are transferred into the folder, the PDF and a CSV copy of the Job Ticket.
To move a document to a folder:
Select the job to be moved.
In the Output pane click the folder that you want to send the document to.
The Copy to Folder window opens.
If you do not want the job to show in the reports remove the tick next to include this job in reports.
Click OK to move your selected document to the folder.
The Generic Printer window opens Select the output folder from the listing then click Save
The document will be saved in the specified folder with the document name, Order Number & a unique identifier. Depending on the folder type selected, the Job ticket may also be saved.
The status of the job order will automatically be changed to In Production.