
Hiding Menu Tabs

Hiding Menu Tabs

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Hiding Menu Tabs

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You can select whether the services on your portal are navigable via tabs or not. You may wish to disable tabs to minimize options to users or to change the layout using specific hyper-links in the body of your portal. Tabs enable users to click Home, Libraries or My Orders to view page content. Turning off the tabs will not stop users typing in the specific page URL to gain access to the page (e.g.. http://yourportal/libraries.aspx).

Menu tabs are visible in the above example.

Menu tabs are visible in the above example.

Menu tabs are hidden in the above example.

Menu tabs are hidden in the above example.


To Hide/Show Menu Tabs:

1.Log in with Administrator rights and go to Admin.
2.In the Portals section click Portal Configuration.
3.Find Look And Feel - Use Menu Tabs in the list.
If the option is set as True users will be able to see the menu tabs when they log in.
Menu tabs can be hidden by setting the option to False.
4.To amend this option click Icon-Pencil.
5.Click Icon-Save to save the setting.

To configure Look And Feel - Use Menu Tabs for all portals associated with Skyline use the default configuration option. These options are only available when you are logged in with Host privileges. Any changes to the default configuration will affect ALL portals associated with Skyline.


Hiding just the Products Tab.

1.Log in with Administrator rights and go to Admin.
2.In the Portals section click Portal Configuration.
3.Find Products: Hide the products tab from users in the list.
If the option is set as True users will be able to see the Products tab when they log in.
The Products tab can be hidden from Users by setting the option to False. Administrators and Hosts will be able to view the Products Tab.
6.To amend this option click Icon-Pencil.
7.Click Icon-Save to save the setting.