
The Default Settings

The Default Settings

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The Default Settings

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Once Skyline has been successful installed you can only log in to the HTTP:// local host website with the default setting, as given below. It is recommended that the default passwords are changed.

The http://localhost website is only available to users logged in to the web server. It cannot be accessed remotely. A new portal will be created for users to access.

1.Log in as a Host administrator with the following username and password.
Username:   skylinehost
Password:    SkylineH0$t    (The password is case sensitive: Skyline H zero dollar t)
2.Log in as an Portal administrator with the following username and password.
Username:   admin
Password:    Admin123
3.Log in to the http:// local host portal as a normal user by clicking on the Register as a New User link on the home page and following the registration procedure. User accounts can also be created by the administrator and log in details emailed to the user. For more information, see the section on Creating & Managing Users.


The username skylinehost has full "Host" administration privileges. The only way to recover this password if you forget it is to:

Change the skylinehost email address to your email address and configure Skyline to send out emails correctly so that you can reset the password.
Promote another user to also have host admin privileges, before you forget your password.

Icon-Explanation WARNING:
There is no hidden user account, password or back-door that can be used to recover the skylinehost password if it is lost. If you forget the skylinehost password and have not promoted another user to Host, the account will be permanently locked out.

To change the skylinehost email address:

1.Log in with the default username and password.
2.Click the Preferences link at the top of the page.
3.Click the Email link on the preferences screen.
4.Enter the new email address and confirm the email address.
5.Click Update Email Address.