
Copy Form to Another Portal

Copy Form to Another Portal

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Copy Form to Another Portal

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Once a form has been created it can be copied to another portal.

To copy a form to another portal:

1.Log into Skyline with Administrator rights and load the form that you want to copy to another portal.
2.Click Export
3.The selected form will be saved in a zip file. It will most likely be in your downloads folder.
4.Extract the XML file from the zip file and save it in a location that you can access from the portal that you want to copy the file onto.
5.Log into the portal that you want to upload the form onto and from the Admin page select Customer Forms.
6.Click Select XML File and locate the XML file that you have just extracted from the ZIP file.
7.The file name will displayed. Click Upload to complete the process of importing the form. You will receive a confirmation message.
8.The form is can now be loaded and reviewed or assigned to a user.