
Changing the Wording in a Status Email

Changing the Wording in a Status Email

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Changing the Wording in a Status Email

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PrintStation can be configured to automatically generate an email message when a job status is changed in PrintStation. The message can be copied to as many people as required by entering their email address in the CC List field.

You can select when a change in the order status will generate an email message as well as specifying the wording of the email. The example below describes how to configure PrintStation for the status type "Query Outstanding".

There are some specific requirements when creating an Order placed email. Please refer to the section Order Placed email in Configuring PrintStation regarding these requirements.

InfoYou are limited to 100 characters in the email subject or 1000 characters in the email body. If you exceed the limit your changes are not saved. A pop up messages appears as well as an error message at the top of the window. The email remains open so you can change your text.
Example of error message when too many characters are entered into the body of the email.

Example of error message when too many characters are entered into the body of the email.


To automatically send an email message when the status is change to Query Outstanding:

1.Open Skyline and log in with Administrator rights and click Admin.
2.In the Orders section click Order Statuses.
3.Details of all the System Statuses are listed. Click Icon-Pencil by the type Query Outstanding.
4.The status settings for the status Query Outstanding can be updated.
1.Select the option Email User. When this option is selected the person who placed the job order will be automatically sent an email when the job status is changed to Query Outstanding.
2.Enter text that will be shown when the user views the status of their job orders. In this example the words "Query Email Sent" will be shown against any job order that they have placed and the PrintStation operator has changed the job status to Query Outstanding.
3.Enter the text that will be used as the email subject. In this example the words "Print Order Query" will be used as the email subject when an email is automatically sent out.
4.If you require a copy of the email to be sent to other people enter their email addresses in the CC List field. Separate email addresses with a semi colon.
5.Enter the body of the text which can include a contact name or number. The text can be a maximum of 1,000 characters spread over a maximum of 52 lines.
6.Automatically completed fields can be included. Click Icon-InsetSnippet the Insert Code Snippet button to view a list of all the fields that are available. Text entered after the snippet will appear on a new line.
7.Click OK to save your changes.
5.The System Statuses details have been updated.
1.The end user display will be Query Email Sent.
2.The user will automatically be sent an email if the status of their job order is changed to Query Outstanding.