
Changing the Price of an Order

Changing the Price of an Order

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Changing the Price of an Order

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When an order is sent to the PrintStation there may be a price associated with the order. Occasionally the price of printing a document needs to be amended due to requests from the customer. Pricing can be amended by Managers using Live Orders or by the PrintStation operatives.

Example 1 - Cost of Producing the Document
After a conversation with the customer a change to the requirements of producing the document is agreed. For example, laminating might be required or a different media type used during production. The price of the order needs to be amended & the customer will see the amended price on their orders page. Any management reports will include the amended price.

To amend the cost of producing a document:

1.Select the job to be printed & view the Overview tab.
Example of the Overview tab in the Details Pane

Example of the Overview tab in the Details Pane

2.Change the order requirements, for example the number of copies. Then update the price of the order using PS-CalculatePrice to calculate the new price.
3.Any changes made are not saved until you click PS-SaveChanges.
4.The Notes window opens.
Enter your reasons for changing the order together with any other notes then click Save to confirm the change.
5.(Optional) If you require the price change to be confirmed by the customer change the status to Quote Sent.
When the status is changed an email is sent to the user telling them that they have received a quotation. They are then able to accept or reject the quotation. Only price changes are shown on the Orders Web page. Any other amendments need to be agreed before the status is changed.
Accepted Quotation.
If the user accepts the quotation the order status is changed to 'Order Placed' and the order can be processed in the usual way.
Rejected Quotation.
If the user rejects the quotation the order status is changed to 'Deleted; and removed from the PrintStation
6.The cost of producing the document will be updated in the PrintStation Orders pane when PrintStation is refreshed. The customers Original order details will also be updated to show the new price for producing the document. Any management reports that are run will also contain the updated price.

Example 2 - Re-printing a document.
After the order has been printed the customer requested a partial copy of the document. Any management reports will include the amended price (printed price) for the second print run as well as the cost of the original print (Original Price). The customer will not automatically be notified of the change to the cost of the producing the document.

InfoIf there is no cost to the customer associated with the re-print and you do not want the printing recorded in the Management reports you can use the Proof Print option.

To amend the cost of re-printing a document:

1.Select the job to be printed.
2.In the Output pane click the printer that you want to use to print the document.
3.The message "This document has already been printed. Do you want to Print it again?" is displayed. Click Yes.
4.The printer window opens.
1.Amend the price of the document. You can enter the value 0 if there is no charge for the re-print.
2.Amend any other details e.g. the quantity of documents to print & then click Print. The document is printed & the amended price is recorded.