
Showing an External Web Page

Showing an External Web Page

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Showing an External Web Page

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Linking to an external website is a useful way of adding extra functionality to your Skyline installation. You can link a tab in Skyline to any internal or external site that is usually available to users of the system via their web browsers. This will be available to all users of the portal. To create a tab to show another website you first need to create a custom page and then add it to the portal.

infoNote:  If you log in with a user name with Host Privileges, you can create a page that will be available to all the portals on a Skyline server.

To create a custom page:

1.Log in with Administrator & Editor rights and go to Admin.
2.In the Content section click Custom Pages.
3.A list of any existing pages will show.
1.Click the link Add new custom page.
4.A new field appears.
1.Enter a name for the new web page.
2.Click Submit.
5.Your custom page has been created. The page now needs to be added to your portal.
6.Click the Admin link.
7.In the Content section click Selected Custom Pages.
8.All the custom pages available to the portal are listed. Some pages may have be created by a user with Host privileges. These pages will be available to all the portals on the Skyline server.
1.Select the pages you want to add to your portal. If more that one page is added, a drop-down list next to each page will show the order the pages will appear on the navigation tab.
2.Click Save order.
9.The new web page tab will be added.
1.Select the new web page tab that you have created.
2.Click the Edit link at the top of the page.
3.The edit tools for each website pane will load.
10.You need to ensure that the embedded page fills the entire lower pane. Click Icon-EditColumns in the center column. The column chooser window opens.
1.Select Hide Left Column and Hide Right Column.
2.Click Apply.
11.The external web page needs to be embedded.
1.Click the Edit link at the top of the page.
12.The HTML Editor window opens.
1.Click Insert Code Snippet and select Embedded Website from the drop down menu.
13.The frame may fill with the Google search page.
1.To change the embedded page click HTML-HTML at the bottom of the edit window.
14.Look at HTML code.
1.Change the URL to the page you want to embed. So becomes
2.Click HTML-Preview to view how the page will look if you save it.
3.Click HTML-Design then click Icon-HTML-Save to save the page and your changes.