
Creating Approval Notification Emails

Creating Approval Notification Emails

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Creating Approval Notification Emails

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You can configure Skyline to send an email when a new job is received to a nominated person, for example the print room manager.

An email is sent to the selected user when a new job is received by the PrintStation.

Example of email received by the nominated print room operator.

Example of email received by the nominated print room operator.


When the email is received by the nominated print room operator, the print room will not be able to process the job until the job has been viewed and acknowledged. There is a new job visible in the tab New Jobs.

Example of the notification in the New Jobs tab.

Example of the notification in the New Jobs tab.

The print room operator acknowledges the new print job by clicking Approve. An email is sent to the person who submitted the job and the print job is transferred to the PrintStation so it can be processed.

Example of the email sent to the person who submitted the print job.

Example of the email sent to the person who submitted the print job.

To create a new print order email:

1.Firstly the option Approval needs to be turned on. Login to Skyline with Administrator rights and click the Admin link.
2.In the Orders section click Approval Options.
3.Select the option Check to enable order approval to turn approval ON and click Button-Save.
4.The emails that are generated need to be modified. Amend the setting of the email sent to approvers when new orders require approval.
NewJobReceived-Email Wording
1.Amend the Email Subject to New Job Received.
2.Amend the body of the text to You have a new order request. Please go the {AwaitingApprovalLink}.
3.Click Save.
5.The email received by the person who placed the order needs to be amended.
PrintStationAction-Email Wording
1.Amend the Email Subject to PrintStation Action.
2.Amend the body of the text to Your print request {OrderId} has been forwarded to the PrintStation.
3.Click Save.
6.The role of an Approver needs to be assigned to the person who will receive the new print job emails. Click the Admin link.
7.In the Users section click Roles.
8.Click Manage Users next to the Approver Role.
9.Select the user that will receive the new job notification emails and click Add Selected Users to assign the role of Approver.
10.When the selected user opens their Skyline website there will be a new tab available called Approval. The tab name should be changed to something more appropriate.
1.Click the Admin link and in the Content section click Tabs.
2.Select the tab name Approval.
3.Amend the name. In the example the Approval tab name was changed to New Jobs.
Tab - New Jobs
4.Click Save to save the name change. The tab name will be updated.
11.Test that the procedure works as required by sending a test order.